Saturday, December 21, 2013

Art and Ecology

Presently, considering the most widely available technologies, the most ecologically sound art is either existing art,digital art displayed digitally (providing energy source is pure, i.e., emerging technologies), and purely "natural" art.

Existing art doesn't require pollution because it is already here. Barring the cleaning and maintenance, which can have polluting aspects, existing art is not harmful to ecological systems. Polluting aspects of the maintenance of fine art include the solvents necessary to remove varnish, the cleaning of brushes, etc., but this is minimal.

Natural art has its own caveats in that nature needs those natural items in order for them to take their place in the cycle of life. Their decay is part of the healthy natural environment. Further, art that makes use of natural items, such as dyes, may or may not be produced by damaging living plant life. If you are moving toward vegetarianism and respect plant life, you will understand where I am going as to killing plant life for the sake of art which, though important, is not directly involved in primary sustenance.

Therefore, while it may be somewhat ironic, the use of existing so-called "junk" in art, may very well be far more sound ecologically, than most any other physical representation of art (that is apart from performance art). One big reason this is so, is because the fact that the "spare parts" are not being recycled actually may be kinder, certainly in some respects, to the overall environment, than some forms of recycling, especially those forms which reform the refuse at the molecular level, i.e., melting down, and where processes may use copious amounts of water.

I am approaching this subject purely from what is more or less widely known through the world at this time in Man's history. I add here that all this will change. Our very survival as a species depends on this change. Countless other species have already suffered and died out due to the need for the overall change of resource use and attitude toward planet Earth. No need to be glum about it, those sacrifices were not in vain as people have been awakening to the truth as to what is important. They have awakened to the the truth that all is not as it seems and "help" we've been telepathically "asking" for will be forthcoming. Hold on to your hats, in other words.

I may or may not write further on this subject pending many "changes". Just keep in mind, worrying about art and how it affects the environment is a concern until better methods of dealing with the overall pollution the activities create are available. Until then, until we can effectively protect the waters, the soils, the animals, insects, and ourselves from the menace of pollution, we should keep in mind how all our activities, including the creation of art works, effect the whole. This being the case, it is the responsible person who recognizes that creating art that has consequences described here, especially of dubious value, is really not wise. Let us all pursue planning and premium execution in art so value at least approaches a worthiness to exist under the circumstances.